
Workshops and Training


Workplace Wellness Australia provides a range of workshops that assist employees to develop the necessary skills for positive psychological wellbeing in the workplace. All Workplace Wellness Australia workshops are tailored to meet the needs for your specific workplace goals. Workshops are facilitated in an engaging, positive and innovative style that maximises adult learning with real and applicable outcomes. We understand the importance of the retention of skills learnt in workshops. For this reason we provide tools that assist participants to maintain the skills acquired. We provide workshops and training programs in a range of formats to ensure that they are accessible and available to your employees. These include face to face training, webinar, video and podcasts options.
Please contact us to learn more about our range of workshops and how we can best upskill and support your employees.

Managers and Supervisors

Managers and front-line supervisors may have access to training and consultancy which will assist them to gain an understanding of:

How to recognise when employees may be experiencing personal difficulties that impact on their work performance and/or safety.
Psychological First Aid in the Workplace
The impact of traumatic incidents on employees and how to support the employee.