Project Description
Our Program
Our programs offers organisations access to a tailored Workplace Wellness Portal that gives employees access to information and interactive wellbeing resources. These include:
Fact sheets
In addition to this, the Workplace Wellness Program offers responsive intervention at times of need for organisations and employees:
Employee Assistance Program (EAP): Confidential counselling for employees for professional or personal issues.
Critical Incident Response Support: Professional psychological support for management and employees in the case of trauma or critical incidents affecting employee or workplace wellbeing.
Workplace Mediation and Conflict Resolution
Additional Consultancy Services.
What are the benefits of the Workplace Wellness Program?
One third of our adult life is spent at work, so a workplace has a significant impact on an individual’s psychological, physical and social wellbeing. Research has found that healthier and happier workplaces lead to:
Improved productivity
Improved morale
Increased employee satisfaction
Increased employee engagement
Fewer disability claims
Lower rates of absenteeism
Higher levels of employee retention
Who can access Workplace Wellness services?
When an organisation collaborates with us to provide their EAP program, employees are able to directly access support by calling our 1300 number or via the online booking form within the employee portal.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Services
At Workplace Wellness, our experienced psychologists and practitioners are able to provide professional support through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). To assist with the successful integration of the EAP into your organisation Workplace Wellness will provide education to both management and employees on what the EAP can offer them. Management understanding of the EAP is vital for the program to be accessed as a resource and source of assistance for employees and management.
How can it help?
The aim of the EAP service is to provide employees with short-term, solution-focused counselling and provide support when faced with adversity that challenges their general wellbeing, health, workplace effectiveness or personal life.
How are appointments conducted?
We offer phone, skype and face-to-face appointments based on preference and suitability. Delivery times are based upon the need and the urgency of the matter at hand. We are able to offer immediate support in a variety of forms when required.
What types of issues can we assist with?
Workplace Wellness can assist your business and your employees to achieve positive outcomes when experiencing a range of issues including:
Stress and emotional distress
Feelings of overwhelm or ‘not coping’
Decreased work performance
Personal relationship difficulties
Workplace relationship difficulties
Conflict and communication difficulties
Adjusting to change
Problems with drugs and alcohol
Financial difficulties
Organisational change
Coping in times of crisis
Grief and loss
Critical Incident Response
The Workplace Wellness team is able to provide critical incident consultancy and support to assist your organisation to respond and recover effectively. We have several locations nationally that allow onsite support, in addition to telephone or Skype sessions, or assisting management to develop a strategy without specific onsite support.
Critical Incident Response
The Workplace Wellness team is able to provide critical incident consultancy and support to assist your organisation to respond and recover effectively. We have several locations nationally that allow onsite support, in addition to telephone or Skype sessions, or assisting management to develop a strategy without specific onsite support.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Services
At Workplace Wellness, our experienced psychologists and practitioners are able to provide professional support through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). To assist with the successful integration of the EAP into your organisation Workplace Wellness will provide education to both management and employees on what the EAP can offer them. Management understanding of the EAP is vital for the program to be accessed as a resource and source of assistance for employees and management.
How can it help?
The aim of the EAP service is to provide employees with short-term, solution-focused counselling and provide support when faced with adversity that challenges their general wellbeing, health, workplace effectiveness or personal life.
How are appointments conducted?
We offer phone, skype and face-to-face appointments based on preference and suitability. Delivery times are based upon the need and the urgency of the matter at hand. We are able to offer immediate support in a variety of forms when required.
What types of issues can we assist with?
Workplace Wellness can assist your business and your employees to achieve positive outcomes when experiencing a range of issues including:
Stress and emotional distress
Feelings of overwhelm or ‘not coping’
Decreased work performance
Personal relationship difficulties
Workplace relationship difficulties
Conflict and communication difficulties
Adjusting to change
Problems with drugs and alcohol
Financial difficulties
Organisational change
Coping in times of crisis
Grief and loss